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About ASKO

For more than 70 years, ASKO has combined traditional Scandinavian design with state-of-the-art technology and innovation to create high-quality products that not only make life better, but which are also better for peoples’ health and the planet. This focus on quality, design, innovation and the environment has taken us on an inspiring journey filled with incredible achievements, world-first innovations and many memorable milestones – from the invention our very first washing machine to being awarded prestigious design and environmental awards for our smart cooking technology and sustainable designs.


Our commitment to the environment

Nature is an important part of Swedish life, caring for the environment has always been an integral part of our culture. For us, it’s not just about how much we use, but how little we waste in production, whilst our products are in use, and when they are disposed of.

Since 1999 ASKO factories have achieved environmental certification in accordance with ISO14001 Environmental Management System, which means everything is done as environmentally friendly as possible. We have recently upgraded our certification level to EMAS (the most credible environmental management tool on the market). The EMAS certification is awarded to organisations which have demonstrated continual improvement and focus on their environmental performance.

One important example of this is that all components in our laundry appliances and dishwashers that weigh more than 50 grams are labelled for recycling.We’re proud to say our products are some of the most efficient on the market, saving precious energy resources and energy costs for our customers.


As part of the Hisense Europe group, ASKO has been awarded the prestigious EcoVadis silver medal. This renowned business rating recognizes commitment to sustainable business practices and is a testament to the company’s ongoing efforts to minimize its environmental impact and promote social responsibility.