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Making a clean break from the competition

It looks a bit different – here´s why

It's a simple fact that ASKO washing machines are among the cleanest in the business. Not just when it comes to the great job they do of making your clothes clean, fresh and looking like new; but also, in relation to how hygienic the machines themselves are.

It's one of those things that seems like an unusual contradiction at first – a washing machine? Dirty? Surely you fill it with soap and water every time you use it? But washing machines can harbor surprising amounts of grime, bacteria, fungus and other nasties – things that you really don't want lurking in your laundry, or next to your skin.

Now, many manufacturers make bold claims about the cleanliness of their machines, but this year ASKO have decided to put their money where their mouth is – commissioning a full microbiological report which proves that their machines are among the most hygienic you can have in your home.

Now, the results are in: and here's a summary of the key findings.

ASKO washing machines: nine claims of cleanliness that prove they're among the most hygienic on the market.

1. A fully steel tub reduces bad smells inside the washing machine – and therefore, on your clothes. It helps eliminate the films of bacteria and fungi that create nasty odors in the machine and that can be transferred to your laundry. And ASKO washing machines have Double Stainless Steel drums – in which the outer drums are also made from stainless steel, instead of plastic.

2. ASKO's traditional Scandinavian "form and function" design can also be found inside the machine's tub, which has a positive effect. The tub is therefore relatively free from nooks and crannies in which mold and dirt can collect and bacteria can fester and multiply. Many manufacturers make their outer drums from plastic, which requires extra points of reinforcement in order to withstand the forces generated. And in these molded points of reinforcement, dirt and bacteria can easily collect.

3. The steel used in the machines prevents the formation of harmful "biofilms" – making it an essential choice for households with one member at high risk of infection.

4. Fungi love fabric softener. ASKO's programs are designed to reduce the need for it. We have developed steam programs that have the same effect as fabric softener – eliminating it from the process as much as possible.


5. Although high temperatures are much safer when it comes to eliminating molds, fungi and bacteria, there's an environmental concern, relating to energy saving, at play too: which is why ASKO have made it safer to wash clothes at lower temperatures.

6. Steel Seal and a steel drum construction help to avoid the infection risk posed by daily activities – an often-overlooked factor in domestic health.

7. A tough steel drum is far better at handling the high temperatures used for effective drum-cleaning and allergy programs – unlike plastic.

8. Steel Seal is, quite simply, the hygienic choice when it comes to door seals in washing machines. Traditional rubber door seals are far likely to contain types of fungus, including varieties harmful to human health. A rubber seal is the number one location when it comes to finding certain types of pathogenic complexes.

9. Machines, like ASKO's, that are built from natural materials are better for the environment – and therefore the long-term health of our species. ASKO's machines are made mostly from materials like steel, cast iron and glass.