Tharëse robash
This energy-saving white heat pump tumble dryer from our Classic range has a sturdy and long-lasting construction with a stainless steel drum and a reliable brushless motor. Installation is easy since no ductwork is required and it is also suitable for confined spaces since the heat pump only requires a small amount of external air. It is easy to use and you can set different dryness levels with the auto programs, completely dry to iron dry. 10 programs and various options will help you dry your clothes effectively every time.
Soft Drum™
Soft Drum™ is a solution developed to enhance air flow around the load, thereby increasing the drying effect. The circular indentations with bevelled edges also have a cushioning effect that reduces wear and tear on fabrics. The new drum design allows for even and gentle drying with both small and large loads.
Konstruksioni dhe performanca
Përdorimi dhe fleksibiliteti
Ndërveprimi dhe kontrolli
Programs and options
Dizajni dhe përshtatja
Siguria dhe mirëmbajtja
Të dhëna teknike
Informacione të logjistikës
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